Operating a motor vehicle while intoxicated is a serious crime, so having a plan for getting home safely after drinking can prevent you from experiencing the legal, emotional, and financial consequences of a drunk driving charge. In Indiana, driving under the influence of any kind falls under the banner of Operating a Vehicle While Intoxicated, or OVWI. The penalties for an OVWI charge can range from fines, to license suspension, to jail time. And of course, there is also the danger of getting into an accident. Make a plan before ever leaving your house for how you’ll get home after going out drinking. For example, elect a designated driver or plan to hire a cab. Additionally, if you are in a jam, don’t be afraid to ask for help. Avoiding getting behind the wheel will not only keep you and other drivers on the road safer, but will prevent you from the hassle of an OVWI charge.
Make a Plan Before Leaving
Before you even head out the door to go to a bar or restaurant where you know there will be alcohol, make a plan for getting home safely after drinking. If there’s any chance that you might over-indulge, it’s best to have a plan in place. Even if it means the hassle of leaving your car overnight and having to retrieve it. Deciding on how you’ll get home while you’re still clear-headed and sober will hopefully prevent you from drunkenly making a poor decision later.
Elect a Designated Driver
Finding a designated driver is one way to ensure that you’ll be getting home safely after drinking. If you tend to go out with the same group of friends, take turns being the DD for one another. Offer some gas money or agree to treat the driver to a free meal while you’re out. Just remember, when it’s your turn, it’s best to stay completely sober. Even having just one drink can quickly turn into too many when there is peer pressure from friends.
Cabs and cab alternatives are one of the best ways of getting home safely after drinking. And with all of the ride-sharing options like Uber and Lyft out there, it’s typically very easy to coordinate a ride home. Even if you are experiencing surge pricing, the cost is minimal when you compare it to the price of an OVWI ticket. If you are taking an Uber, Lyft, or similar type of car service, remember to double check that the driver assigned to you on the app matches the person who’s car you’re getting into.
If you are out partying and are not able to find a designated driver or cab, there are still safe ways of getting home after drinking. Although it might be embarrassing, call a friend or family member that you trust and ask them to pick you up. While they might feel frustrated in the moment, they’ll probably be very grateful that you didn’t risk an accident by getting on the road. You can also opt for public transportation like a subway or bus. If you plan to walk home, it’s best to make sure you have a friend along. If you are truly in a bind, ask the bartender to help you arrange a safe ride home.
Getting home safely after drinking is an important consideration to take in order to avoid getting caught drunk driving. Designate a sober friend to get everybody home, or plan to take a cab. If you are really in a bind, ask for help or plan to walk home. Whatever you do, don’t get behind the wheel because in Indiana, as with many other states, the penalties can be harsh. If you are in the Indianapolis, Noblesville, Kokomo, or surrounding areas and have received an OVWI charge of any kind, reach out to Paul Kaushal with Kaushal Law, LLC for help. They have convenient locations across central Indiana and offer free consultations. An experienced attorney like Paul Kaushal can help you understand your options and can help you make an informed decision about how to proceed. Getting charged with an OVWI can be scary and overwhelming, but having an experienced attorney by your side can help you navigate this stressful situation.