There is no law in Marion County that requires you to hire an attorney if you have been involved in a motor vehicle accident. However, many car accident victims find it beneficial to consult with legal professionals who have experience navigating these legal processes. This not only alleviates the stress of managing the claims process but also allows those injured in the crash to concentrate on their recovery and well-being.

To determine if you should reach out to a car accident lawyer in Marion County, this guide will explore how these attorneys can assist you with your claims and identify the optimal time for you to contact them.

When Should You Contact a Car Accident Lawyer in Marion County?

When You Want To Ensure Just Compensation 

After a car accident, many people seek an experienced car accident attorney to help them navigate the intricate legal landscape. These professionals aim to secure fair compensation for both your physical injuries and any damages to your vehicle.

To achieve this goal, attorneys will try to gather and evaluate essential evidence, such as police reports, witness statements, and medical records, to bolster your claim. Additionally, these attorneys will try to protect you from making harmful mistakes that may jeopardize your case, especially if you have suffered severe injuries or if there is a dispute over responsibility for the accident.

When You Want Help Taking on the Insurance Company 

Insurance companies often prefer to deal with victims who have not hired legal representation, as they find it easier to manipulate these individuals. Insurers are known to use a variety of deceptive tactics and strategies to undervalue or outright deny legitimate claims. For example, they may:

  • Delay the processing of your claim, creating unnecessary obstacles and confusion. 
  • Mislead you into believing that providing a recorded statement is mandatory (which is not true). 
  • Distort your words or the context of your statements to justify paying you less than what you are entitled to.
  • Pressure you into accepting a settlement offer very quickly, which is likely to be significantly lower than what you deserve. 

However, when you hire a dedicated car accident attorney, these legal professionals can take over all aspects of communication with the insurance company and their legal representatives, ensuring your rights are protected. This means you will not have to engage with them directly, relieving you of the stress that can come from these interactions. Should the insurance company need to speak with you, your attorney can be present to advocate for your best interests and ensure that you do not inadvertently harm your claim.

Help You Meet Legal Deadlines

Personal injury cases are governed by specific deadlines referred to as the statute of limitations. This statute establishes the maximum duration within which you must file your lawsuit following an incident. However, the exact time frame can vary significantly from state to state. For example, in Indiana, the statute of limitations for personal injury is two years. This means individuals have two years from the accident date to file a compensation claim. Failing to meet this deadline can directly affect their ability to seek compensation for their injuries. 

However, it is important to note that you do not have to face these deadlines alone. By working with a skilled car accident lawyer, these legal professionals can help you meet these strict timelines, ensuring you retain your right to seek compensation for the damages sustained from the accident.

Contact an Experienced Marion County Car Accident Lawyer Today

If you suffered injuries in a car accident because of another person’s wrongful actions, do not hesitate to seek legal advice. Contact an experienced Marion County car accident lawyer at Kaushal Law today to discover more about the legal options available.